Some grass cut, Mom is at the Lake

Weather: Chance of a Thunder storm, but near 80 today

Trail Conditions: It’s ATV time

I got one of my riding lawn mowers working yesterday and got the grass cut down at the bar.  Bar tending today so maybe I’ll get the house mower going tomorrow and get the grass at home.  Sucks having 2 big yards LOL.

My Mom is settled in at the county park, it seems a little strange without my Dad here barking orders, when we got all set up and sat to have a beer memories of him falling last year started popping into my head.  Pops we all miss you, I kind of wish you were still here barking out orders.  You could piss off the Pope but we all still miss you.


Can you spare just $2? Timmy is a nine year old boy living in Detroit. He has only one leg, one arm and one eye. Each day he has to ride seven miles to school along a narrow road on a rusty bike with bent wheels, no brakes and only one pedal. If you send us just $2, we will send you the video – it’s fucking hilarious.


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