Archive for September 30, 2014

Congratulations Kim, Chiefs Win, Chiefs Win

Weather: Gloomy and a bit warmer today

Trail Conditions: Mud hole on the P trail north of the Norwich use VC trail

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum.

What a day to be a KC Chiefs fan.  I could hardly keep Kim under control at the bar last night she was so excited.  And why not New England USUALLY has a good team, but not last night.

Other than that it was a pretty boring ass day yesterday, except for the tomato sandwiches I ate for lunch, thanks again Royal and Fran.

“Old” is when…
…your sweetie says, “Lets go upstairs and make love,” and you answer, “Honey, I can’t do both!”
…your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you’re
…a sexy babe catches your fancy and your pacemaker opens the garage
door nearest your car.
…you remember when the Dead Sea was only sick.
…going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face.
…you don’t care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don’t
have to go along.
…when it takes longer to rest than to get tired.
…when you are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the
…”getting a little action” means I don’t need to take any fiber today.
…”getting lucky” means you find your car in the parking lot.
… an “all nighter” means not getting up to pee!
Statistics show that at the age of seventy, there are five women to
every man. Isn’t that an ironic time for a guy to get those odds?

A big thank you to the Caledonia Sno-Gophers

Weather: 49 and Rainy today, welcome back to reality

Trail Conditions: Mud hole on the P trail north of the Norwich use VC trail

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum.

I was in a rush to get to the bar to open before the Packer-Bear game yesterday (sorry Bear fans) and I couldn’t find a pic I needed to post. Then when I got to the bar (Becker stayed upstairs) she told me about a very nice couple that stopped by with some home grown tomatoes,  Royal and Fran Corbin, who are farmers from Illinois (again sorry bout them Bears). I am so sorry I missed you guys, but I was out for a good cause doing the Veteran’s ride. Thank you so much for the tomatoes, and for stopping by, I hope Becker was on her best behavior!


The other people I need to send a big thank you to are from the Caledonia SNo – Gophers, Bob Lemke, Matt Klug and I think Hush, or maybe he was just real quiet and didn’t say anything Saturday because he over did it Friday night. I am bad with names I am so sorry I didn’t write yours down.  But hey now the Sno Gophers will have a new nickname for you.  Hush – man of few words or Hush – man who gagged everytime Tom took a drink of his beer on Saturday. These guys drug 3 machines all the way from the Minnesota-Iowa boarder in case a Vet needed a ride.  We can’t thank you guys enough. And please, don’t give Hush too much shit, we all have days like those.



Click here to read the Daily Globe article




Veterans Ride for the Colors

Weather: Enjoy today, tomorrow sucks

Trail Conditions: Mud hole on the P trail north of the Norwich use VC trail

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum.

Yesterday I went on the Veterans Ride for the Colors from the Wakefield American Legion to Marenisco.  I had the pleasure of State Rep. Scott Dianda riding with me.  In fact Scott drove all the way and allowed me to sit back and enjoy the scenery. In sure was nice not having Becker yelling at me to keep my eyes on the road. LOL State Senator Tom Casperson was also there, both of these guys believe more trails should be open for the public to enjoy and help increase tourism in the UP.



You couldn’t have asked for a better day for a ride.  Near 80 and the sun was shining.  The pics below are from a place the locals call “Top of the World” the view was fantastic.


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We road to a dead end at the “Top of the World” where everyone had to turn around, but it was well worth the trouble.





These pics are from another spot we stopped, not everyone road to the top of the hill to see the view.  I couldn’t resist.  And worth every bit of the pounding the Commander took on the loose rocks going up.



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Hoppy’s Bar voted best Bar in Michigan

Weather: Another great day, back to normal on Monday

Trail Conditions: Mud hole on the P trail north of the Norwich use VC trail

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. I’ll get pics online here shortly.

WOW what a great ride we had yesterday. Too bad you all were not here to go with us.  Even had a Sleds of Anarchy shirt show up.


Opps how the hell did that one get in there.


Thats better, Kim looks better from behind than Dale does too. First stop was Bon Falls, I never get tired of looking over the tressel. Don’t jump Becker!

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We had 4 machines with us, after the Falls we headed to Hoppy’s Bar to see my favorite bar owner Jane.  Hoppys won the Best Neighborhood Bar in Michigan contest. Click Here to read about it. When I grow up I want to be just like Jane…….


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A Riding we will go, a riding we will go, pack your cooler and bring some dough, a Riding we will go….

Weather: Beautiful, just fricken Beautiful, what a week

Trail Conditions: Mud hole on the P trail north of the Norwich use VC trail

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. I’ll get pics online here shortly.

Head east we are.  Going on an ORV ride today with some friends.  It is Hoppys for lunch then down the EC trial to see some colors. There is nothing better than a Sloppy Hoppy, Jane and some Fall Colors to put a smile on your face.

A suicide bomber died and went to heaven, as foretold. When he arrived there, he met Allah, and he said to Allah that he was ready to claim his virgins, as promised. Out of curiosity he asked Allah why there were so many virgins in heaven.

 Allah regarded him for a moment, and then replied, “Actually, the 72 virgins are here in heaven because assholes like you murdered them before they could experience the pleasure of sex. So you’re here to service them.

Since they’re virgins, they’re quite sexually ravenous; and, frankly, you’ll be on constant, exhausting duty. And I shall banish you from Paradise should you fail!”

The bomber responded, “Well, I guess I can live with that. How hard can it be to keep 72 women satisfied for all eternity?”

And Allah replied, “Who said they were women.”

Dancing with the Drunks

Weather: Beautiful, just fricken Beautiful

Trail Conditions: Mud hole on the P trail north of the Norwich use VC trail

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. I’ll get pics online here shortly.

Monday was a weird day at the bar.  I had 4 grown men discussing Dancing with the stars.  I tried reminding them they were in the Bay Bar and not the Gay Bar but they just kept on talking about Dancing with the Stars.  The even made me look up who the Wide Receiver was from Pittsburg a few years ago that was on the show.  Man I can’t wait till the damn snow flies…… We are running out of stuff to talk about up here.

Help us send feedback to the US Forest Service

An Email from Mi-Trale, at the bottom is a link to the ONF file that gives info on how you can provide feedback to them. Either print out the form and mail it in or just email them your thoughts.  The people that do not want us to ATV on ONF land will be out in full force with their reasons why we should not use “their” land. Be positive with your comments, sarcasm does not help (I know it sounds funny me saying that).

Thanks for the help,


Hello all!
Please see the attached invitation to an open house from the Ottawa National Forest (ONF).  The open house will address roads in the Ottawa.  MI-TRALE members are encouraged to attend and provide input.  It is very important that MI-TRALE members provide input as we work closely together with the ONF to maintain and improve our recreational access in the Ottawa.
If you are unable to attend, please note there are other ways to provide your valuable input.  The attached document has a form you can print and mail, or you can email your comments.
I’ll see you at the one in Ewen.
Thank you,

Whores and Hockey Players

Weather: Beautiful, just fricken Beautiful

Trail Conditions: Mud hole on the P trail north of the Norwich use VC trail

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. I’ll get pics online here shortly.

Great day in Football if you are a Lions fan. Not too good for the Packer fans though. But the Lions are in 1st place. Now to see what the Bears do tonight. Nice weather all week long,  even Saturday for the Veterans ride.  I’m kind of nursing a Crown Royal kind of morning, why does something that feels so good the night before feel so shitty the next day?


A man in a Florida supermarket tried to buy half a head of lettuce. The very young produce assistant told him that they sell only whole heads of lettuce. The man persisted and asked to see  the manager. The boy said he’d ask his manager about it. Walking into the back room, the boy said to his  manager: ‘Some asshole wants to buy half a head of lettuce.’As he finished his sentence, he turned to find the man standing right behind him, so he added, ‘And this gentleman has kindly offered to buy the other half.’ The manager approved the deal, and the man went on his way. Later the manager said to the boy, ‘I was impressed with the way you got yourself out of that situation earlier. We like people who think on their feet here. Where are you from, son?’ ‘Canada, sir,’ the boy  replied. ‘Well, why did you leave Canada?’ the manager asked. The boy said, ‘Sir, there’s nothing but whores  and hockey players up there.’ ‘Really?’ said the manager. ‘My wife is from Canada.’ ‘No shit?’ replied the boy. ‘Who’d she play for?’

Packers vs Lions Today

Weather: Rainy day today

Trail Conditions: Mud hole on the P trail north of the Norwich use VC trail

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. I’ll get pics online here shortly.

Good football day today at the bar.  Packers vs Lions.  Neighbors will turn into enemies for the afternoon.  It is always fun up here when them two teams play. I like it a lot better than when they play the Bears, even though I was never a big Bear fan I just became a natural enemy being from Illinois LOL.

It is supposed to clear up this afternoon, pretty nice forecast for the week ahead too. The Veterans ride out of Wakefield is next Saturday, we have a few people coming up to join in.


Duane rents an apartment in New York, and goes to the lobby to put his name on the group mailbox. While he was there, an attractive young lady comes out of the apartment next to the mailboxes wearing a robe.
Duane smiles at the young girl and she strikes up a conversation with him. As they talk, her robe slips open, and it’s quite obvious that she has nothing under the robe. Poor Duane breaks out into a sweat trying to maintain eye contact.
After a few minutes, she places her hand on his arm and says, “Let’s go in my apartment, I hear someone coming…”
He proceeds with her into the apartment, and after she closes the door, she leans against it allowing her robe to fall off completely.
Being completely nude, she purrs at him, “What would you say is my best feature?”
The flustered, embarrassed Duane stammers, clears his throat several times, and finally squeaks out, “Oh, it’s got to be your ears!”
She’s astounded! “Why my ears? Look at these breasts! They are full, don’t sag, and they’re 100% natural! My buns – they are firm and do not sag, and have no cellulite! Look at this skin, no blemishes or scars! Why in heaven’s name would you say my ears are the best part of my body?!”
Clearing his throat once again, Duane stammers – “Outside when you said you heard someone coming? That was me.”

Positive attitude

Weather: Cloudy, windy but warmer than Illinois this morning

Trail Conditions: Mud hole on the P trail north of the Norwich use VC trail

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. I’ll get pics online here shortly.

Mom took us out to eat at the Konteka last night. Holy crap, the ride there sure showed us some nice colors on the trees. Funny how some places the colors have changed a lot and others have not.  Remember the word photosynthesis from grade school, damn I wish I would have paid more attention in school LOL. Probably 2 more weeks and we will be in full bloom. Packers-Lions Sunday, come join the fun……..



He finally awoke from his coma, stiff as a board and in pain in the hospital’s ICU, with tubes up his nose & down his throat, wires monitoring every function and a gorgeous nurse hovering over him.

It was obvious he’d been in a serious accident.

She gave him a deep and steady heartfelt look straight in the eyes, and he heard her slowly say,

 “You may not feel anything from the waist down.”

 He somehow managed to mumble in reply, “Can I feel your tits, then?”