An Email from Mi-Trale, at the bottom is a link to the ONF file that gives info on how you can provide feedback to them. Either print out the form and mail it in or just email them your thoughts. The people that do not want us to ATV on ONF land will be out in full force with their reasons why we should not use “their” land. Be positive with your comments, sarcasm does not help (I know it sounds funny me saying that).
Thanks for the help,
Hello all!
Please see the attached invitation to an open house from the Ottawa National Forest
(ONF). The open house will address roads in the Ottawa. MI-TRALE members are
encouraged to attend and provide input. It is very important that MI-TRALE members
provide input as we work closely together with the ONF to maintain and improve our
recreational access in the Ottawa.
If you are unable to attend, please note there are other ways to provide your valuable
input. The attached document has a form you can print and mail, or you can email your
I’ll see you at the one in Ewen.
Thank you,