Archive for November 20, 2014

Trails or Tunnels this year?

I may have screwed up using a Porcupine as a snow gauge, maybe I should have used a Giraffe? Hard to believe it is only November, I am not sure what our snowfall has been so far but we must be over 6 feet by now. I’m not sure if we are going to have trails or tunnels this year for the sleds.

tomshouse (1)

Weather: More snow

Trail Conditions: Got Base

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. Dates are filling up, check out the calendar on my rental page for availability.  

Hey we might get some snow today

I have had a few problems plowing this year, wet heavy snow, and trying to clean out the back of the bar seemed a little much for the Excursion. I had to have someone come in with a tractor and clean me out. I guess I should have bought a John Deere instead of a Ford. Man did that ever work nice. At least now everything can freeze up and plowing should be a little easier.

Looks like more snow on the way today, possibly up to another foot. Forecasts are for a bit of a warm up this weekend with rain changing to more fricken white shit early next week. Don’t worry, come December 1st I’ll welcome the snow again, it has just been a pain in the ass for residents and hunters this early in the year. I would rather be bitching about too much snow in November than not enough in December for sure. Get ready to head up, 11 more days and it will be legal to ride…..

Weather: Not a question of are we going to get snow, question is How much?

Trail Conditions: Got Base

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. Dates are filling up, check out the calendar on my rental page for availability.  

All we can do is laugh

Um ……. OK it just sucks up here right now. While you guys and gals are down there looking at the snow falling getting snow woodies (yes women get snow woodies too) we are trying our best just to stay plowed out. This just plain ole sucks up here right now. We are supposed to get a slight warm up this weekend and some rain, and then back to more snow next week. Lots more snow, yippee, yippee, joy joy.

Weather: Sucks

Trail Conditions: SNOW

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. Dates are filling up, check out the calendar on my rental page for availability.  

Becker was driving her car and became lost in the snowstorm last night. She didn’t panic however, because she remembered what her dad had once told her. “If you ever get stuck in a snowstorm, just wait for a snow plow to come by and follow it.” Sure enough, pretty soon a snow plow came by, and she started to follow it. She followed the plow for about forty-five minutes. Finally the driver of the truck got out and asked her what she was doing. And she explained that her dad had told her if she ever got stuck in a snow storm, to follow a plow. The driver nodded and said, “Well, I’m done with the Co op parking lot, do you want to follow me over to the Bowling Alley now?”

No Trail Report Today

Do to a bad hangover there will be no trail report today, you will have to look at the web cams yourself. More fricken snow coming…….

Lake Effect Snow Coming

Just what we need, more fricken snow LOL. Monday’s forecast is calling form more snow. Possibly lots of it. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY. A few people coming into the bar the last few days have been talking about more snow next week but I didn’t see it in any forecasts until this morning. Monday and Tuesday possible heavy Lake Effect snow. Not what we need, but we can’t do anything about it but enjoy and laugh it off.

Packer-Eagles game at the bar later today, once again we probably won’t be able to watch the Lions game. Oh and the Vikings play the Bears, I’d like to see Cutler get his ass kicked again, who’s with me?

Weather: Breaks over, more snow on the way

Trail Conditions: SNOW

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. Dates are filling up, check out the calendar on my rental page for availability.  

Interview  with 101 year-old Hattie Mae MacDonald of Feague,  Kentucky:

Reporter:  Can you give us some  health tips for reaching the age of 101?
Hattie:  For better digestion I drink beer.  In the case of appetite loss I drink white wine.  For low blood pressure I drink Red  Wine.  In the case of high blood pressure I drink scotch.   And when I have a cold I drink Schnapps.
Reporter:  When do you drink water?
Hattie:  I’ve never been that sick.noname



15 Days til Deer season, then the trails open

Opening Day of Deer Season today. This is probably no dig deal to those of you down in the flatlands but it is huge up here in the UP. Kids take off school, Doctors take off work, it is like the whole world stands still for deer season. But with all the snow some of the hunters have left already. Below is an email I got from my friend Bob from the Car Shack Deer Camp. They have been coming up here for 60+ years.

We tried to get to the “Car Shack” with a front end loader….decided the snow was too heavy…took 1/2 hr to just clear the 1st cabin and it would take 4-6 hrs to get to the back cabin…then how would we walk in the woods???  We called the others coming up and turned them around at FanDaLac Wi.
They may try in a week or so and stay in the First Cabin if the snow packs.  If so they will bring apples.  I am done till
spring unless I come snowmobiling in Jan or Feb.
At least I got a beef sandwich.  14hr drive up and a 13hr drive back in 48hrs.  What a guy will not do for a beef sandwich and a hug from Becker!!!!


Weather: a break for a bit from the snow

Trail Conditions: SNOW

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum. Dates are filling up, check out the calendar on my rental page for availability.  

SNOW a 4 letter word

Anybody been watching the weather channel? A couple people told me the Al Roker had a picture of downtown and mentioned Bergland on the Weather Channel, we made the national news. Looks like clear skies for a few days, it will be nice if we can all get caught up with the plowing. I guess if you don’t like snow you have no business being in the UP. The Lake is icing up, now we need cold instead of snow for a while. Need to make ice on the Lake and out in the wet lands that the trails run through.

Weather: a break for a bit from the snow

Trail Conditions: SNOW

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum.

A store that sells new husbands has opened in Bergland situated next to the Bergland Bay Bar, where a woman may go to
choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:
You may visit this store ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights.  The
shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but
you cannot go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 – These men have jobs.
She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:
Floor 2 – These men have jobs and love children.
‘That’s nice,’ she thinks, ‘but I want more,’ so she continues upward.  The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 – These men have jobs, love children, and are extremely good looking.
‘Wow,’ she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 4 – These men have jobs, love children, are drop-dead good looking and help with the housework.
‘Oh, mercy me!’ she exclaims, ‘I can hardly stand it!’
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 5 – These men have jobs, love children, are drop-dead good looking and help with the
housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:
Floor 6 – You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists
solely as proof that women are impossible to please.  Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.


17 days till the trails open

Early December riding is kind of iffy.  It takes the groomers a few days to get things opened up. But if you like breaking trail the first week of December looks like it may be a fun time to ride. The temps look like they are going to cooperate at the moment and it is getting colder at night. I received a few emails about coming up in November, it is a definite no. Deer season is open until November 30th.

Weather: ~24 inches on the ground

Trail Conditions: SNOW

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum.

A guy goes to the Post Office in Bergland to apply for a  job. The interviewer asks him, “Are you allergic to anything?”

He replies, “Yes, caffeine. I can’t drink coffee.”

“OK, have you ever been in the military service?”

“Yes,” he says, “I was in Iraq for one tour.”

The interviewer says, “That will give you 5 extra points toward employment.” Then he asks, “Are you disabled in any way?”

The guy says, “Yes. A bomb exploded near me and I lost both my testicles.

The interviewer grimaces and then says, “Okay. You’ve got enough points for me to hire you right now.
Our normal hours are from 8 a. m. to 4:00 p.m. You can start tomorrow at 10 a.m., and plan on starting at 10 a.m.  Every day.”

The guy is puzzled and asks, “If the work hours are from 8 a.m. To 4 p.m., why don’t you want me here until 10 a.m.?”

“This is a government job”, the interviewer says. “For the first two hours, we just stand around drinking coffee and scratching our balls. No point in your coming in for that.”

Porky says it all

More snow. Happy happy joy joy I guess. Although all of you are having fun watching the webcams, every one up here, and every one trying to get up here is about sick of the damn snow. Porky kind of sums it up


It is still snowing, but possibly tapering off after today. There is some drifting there by Porky, but I think we got a solid 2 foot of snow. Personally I was proud of myself. People that lived in the UP all their lives have been stuck with their plow trucks the last few days all over town, but not me.  Until midnight last night. And then BAM, I stuck my truck at midnight when no one was around to give me a tug. 7500 page views yesterday, I guess I will see some of you December 1st.

A little snow blowing humor from Dr. Phil 

Weather: ~24 inches on the ground

Trail Conditions: SNOW

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum.

Got Snow!

Happy Veterans Day and thank you to all that served.

Hey Miller, enough snow for you yet? The snow is still coming down, with no end in sight. Well maybe Thursday it will stop, yea right. What we really need is cold before snow but as we all know Mother Nature is a woman, she does what ever she wants and we just have to deal with it. This weather is going to be a pain in the ass for the hunters, imagine coming up here and having to go back into the woods and open up your deer camp. Holy crap, that will not be any fun at all. At any rate it looks like the snow is going to be falling for awhile. I have to go get busy plowing, I just wonder how many times I will get stuck before the day is over.

Weather: 8-10 on the ground and more coming

Trail Conditions: They have snow

I have the little house open for rent this winter. $100 a night for up to 3 people, $125 a night for 4-5 people with a 3 night minimum.