Weather: 20 degrees overnight, but temps are going down now.
Trail Conditions: Good to OK
Trails are getting better, cold is setting in for a few days and we have a good chance of snow early next week. We are long overdue in the snow department. A couple of inches possible today and tomorrow. Come on Mother Nature, be good to us.
The snowmobile detour on trail 8 adds a lot of miles coming to Bergland from the west, unless you take the Lake.
Snowmobile Detour the red shows were the trail was and the green is showing the detour. Using the Lake will get you into Bergland the fastest when coming from the west. This will be the route for the rest of the year, they are doing work on the closed section.
I have heard a lot of complaining about sleds and the way people drive. Most of the complaining I hear is from snowmobilers like yourselves. We have had 2 deaths up here in the last 10 days. Below is an email I received from one of the locals that ride. Don’t take this wrong we are not referring to all the out of town’ers as assholes, we have some local assholes, just not as many. What he says in his email is true, I have quit trying to warn people about riding on the highway because all I get is an attitude back.