Weather: Below Freezing.
Conditions: I don’t know.
GPS found out on Lake Gogebic, contact Lake Gogebic Sports.
I haven’t talked to any riders but I can not imagine conditions being very good out there. I believe the groomers tried to go out last night. The snow has missed us all week except for just getting a dusting the last 3 days. All total we probably only got a few inches. The big news is probably the temps. It is just not getting as cold as we need it to be. I did talk to a few people that came in off the Lake and it is firming up out there. So if you are going to call and ask how are the trails, I am going to say can you ride? yes. Are they going to be good? probably not. It will be a hit and miss situation this weekend I think. If the groomers get out the trails would only last so long depending on traffic. And I think we will have traffic because we have more snow than most areas. If you go out be careful, there must be wet areas that have opened up.