
Weather: Below Freezing.

Conditions: I don’t know.

GPS  found out on Lake Gogebic, contact Lake Gogebic Sports.

I haven’t talked to any riders but I can not imagine conditions being very good out there. I believe the groomers tried to go out last night. The snow has missed us all week except for just getting a dusting the last 3 days. All total we probably only got a few inches. The big news is probably the temps. It is just not getting as cold as we need it to be. I did talk to a few people that came in off the Lake and it is firming up out there. So if you are going to call and ask how are the trails, I am going to say can you ride? yes. Are they going to be good? probably not. It will be a hit and miss situation this weekend I think. If the groomers get out the trails would only last so long depending on traffic. And I think we will have traffic because we have more snow than most areas. If you go out be careful, there must be wet areas that have opened up.

A man and his wife were in court contesting a divorce.  The issue in contention was … who should have custody of the young child; the mother or the father?

The woman began by standing up and said “Your Honour, I am the mother of the child, I brought her into this world, with pain and labour, all alone without any help from this father”.

The judge turned to the father and gave him the chance to have his say but the man began by saying, “Your Honour, I have a question.  When you insert your ATM card into an ATM machine and the money comes out does the money belong to you or the machine?”

Due to the uproar, the court was adjourned.

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