
Weather: Who cares I live in the UP…………

OK I been taking some shit lately and it has been well deserved. I have not posted since 8-4-17 and I was not doing a very good job before that of posting every day. I also have some webcam problems like down at Fish Tales, at Mom’s House and also at my house. Fish Tales has a Internet Provider problem I think and the camera at Mom’s my have took a lightning hit. I am working with Godaddy today to finalize the design of the new sight, hopefully that will be going by the end of August. I have requests for reservation that I will get to ASAP, I need to get the new calendar up and running on the new site. I have basically been screwing around all summer and not doing what I should have been doing. I apologize but it has been fun and I needed it. With no obligations of running my own business I just said fuck everything and tried to concentrate on Becker and myself for awhile.

My new order of priorities is:

Get new web site running, calendar/reservations, and web cams all working again. That is unless Becker changes my priorities.

The New web site is www.tomstrailreport.com It should be going within a week unless godaddy tells me different today.


Thanks and see ya soon,



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